Who remembers that St. Norberts grade school had a football team!! I found this photograph while browsing through my families old photo albums. See what happens when you just look around? If anyone recognizes a face let us know the name. We can put names to faces. Write to <alum@stnorberts.com>
Click on photo to see larger image.
Names so far identified:
# 15 Keith Carroll
# 16 Fran Redoutey
# 17 Tom Kish (who later become a Tri-River League 100 yard dash Champion)
# 20 Pat Temple
# 21 Joe Vella
# 23 Simelinski
# 30 Dennis Nickerson
# 32 John Madigan ?
# 40 Wilhelm
# 50 Jim Schneider
# 51 Bob Wilhelm
# 63 Phil Hartzog
# 71 Danny Weiss
# 72 Mike Weiss
# 73 Forsythe ?
# 73 Steve Forsell ?
# 80 Tom Redoutey
# 88 Jerry Barazini
# x2 middle of the back row: Marty Conaughton
# x3 back row, 2nd from left: Ron Swider
Dan Dubiel, second from right, top row
Kevin Koyle, w/ tie & jacket
Greg Prange, arm in a sling
Norbert Szczepanski in jacket on right ("not so," says Norbert)
Coaches on right are Tom Coil, standing, & Ray Core, sitting.