school picture
St. Norbert School

An Alumni Website

The St. Norbert Messenger

The St. Norbert Messenger communicated events in the life of the St. Norbert family. These examples, donated by Kathy Foley Schemers, Cathé Garcia-McDonnell Les Marinko, and John Schneider, represent what would be seen as handed out on any given Sunday. If you have any mementoes you'd like to share you may submit them to <>. And please sign the guestbook and leave your comments, remembrances, and affections!

Now download these larger format St. Norbert Messengers as PDF files:
Messenger1958-05-11.pdf -- Messenger1964-06-28.pdf -- Messenger1970-05-10.pdf
Messenger1971-08-01.pdf -- Messenger1976-10-17.pdf -- Messenger1985-06-30.pdf

May 11, 1958

Donated by Cathé Garcia-McDonnell

page 1
page 3
page 2
page 4

June 28, 1964

Donated by Les Marinko

May 10, 1970

Donated by Kathy Foley Schemers

August 1, 1971

Donated by Les Marinko

October 17, 1976

Donated by Les Marinko

June 30, 1985

Donated by John Schneider