St Norbert Class of 1970, in the 10th Grade

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David Brzezinski, John Mackowski, Mike McCahill, Gerald Czaja, Tony Lombard, Danny Perkovich, Kevin Coyle, Gary Tomchick, John Rodrigues, Marguerite Powers, Barbara Lezotte, John Neph, Susan Wroble, Susan Walldecker, Julie Marinko, Kathy Kehoe, Brenda Klink

Class of 1970 Sophomores AM

Please note the following name corrections: Top Row: David Brzezinski, not "Brezinski," John Mackowski, not "Macawski," Mike McCahill, not "McChale;" Middle Row: Barb Lezotte, not "LeZotte;" Bottom Row: Brenda Klink, not "Klenk." My guess is that the Yearbook Editors tried to insert some fun in the yearbook by intentionally misspelling as many names as they could and not get chewed out by their faculty Advisor.